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Coventry house of prayer
(Formerly Coventry Prayer House)

Welcome to Coventry House of Prayer 



Our vision and purpose is to encourage and facilitate prayer whilst stirring and expressing deeper love for Jesus.  We are delighted to see the whole city is becoming a 'House of Prayer' as the Coventry Church is increasingly called to pray.  Many churches and individuals across the city are involved in the House of Prayer and we welcome people joining us.  


Although we no longer have a fixed base we still gather regularly. If you'd like to visit us, send a prayer request, or get in touch, send an email to coventryhouseofprayer@gmail.comor message us via our Facebook page.  


You are welcome to join in our regular events at Aldersgate Chapel, Methodist Central Hall, which are as follows:


Mondays: 9:30am-11:00am Fountain of Worship - a time of basking in the presence of God, giving him our devotion. (followed by coffee at Bean and Leaf Coffee House)


Mondays: 11.00 -1.00 Ladies Prayer, praying for our families, women's ministry, women and children of the city, and as led by God. (followed by a ‘bring and share’ picnic lunch)


Wednesdays: 10.00am-12.00pm Fountain of Worship - as above;


Occasional evening or Saturday worship gatherings - see our Facebook page for details.


Just come along or send us an email so we know to look out for you. 


Please note - we do not currently have a telephone number.  Coventry House of Prayer is run by volunteers - we will do our best to respond as quickly as we can to emails etc.




get involved

Coventry House of Prayer is a unique community where we can come together with unity of purpose to seek God, pray and intercede for our city, nation and the world.   


The House of Prayer is entirely run by volunteers who pray, participate in or lead events, host and provide hospitality for visitors.  We love to join in with or support other citywide and national prayer initiatives and have resources we can lend to your church or temporary prayer room.  If you would like to find out more, please get in touch.  We welcome people joining us.


Please contact us if you'd like to get involved or sign up to our mailing list to receive occasional news updates via email.


Alternatively, you can follow us on Facebook...



local houses of prayer

At the end of 2023 we connected with the Local House of Prayer (LHOP) movement which originated at Ffald-y-Brenin, in Wales. 


An LHOP is a small group, perhaps initially one household, who commit themselves to pray for and declare blessing over their area, street or neighbourhood. "...LHOPs offer a framework to help us align our lives for greater blessing, and impact our world for Jesus Christ right where we are. Participants adopt a small local area for Jesus, worship and pray for the manifest breaking in of the Kingdom of God, proclaim blessings and play their part in its release through their life and witness... a Local House of Prayer (LHOP) is not just another prayer meeting – it’s a missional movement that is exploding across the earth at a Kingdom pace!"

LHOPs are characterised by praying prayers of blessing over individuals and your ‘patch', taking a stand in the authority of Jesus' name; carrying the Presence of God into the area by choosing people to focus prayer on, looking for the 'green shoots', or what God is already doing, and getting involved or blessing it.


You can find out more about the LHOP movement here.

Following some seemingly God-engineered encounters and conversations, a short training course/introduction, and much discussion and prayer since the beginning of the year, the Coventry House of Prayer has now embraced the LHOP movement and formally joined the network. The three leaders of Coventry House of Prayer, Dave Butler, Dieks Anthony and Cath Henzell, with their respective spouses, have each established an LHOP in their respective areas, and several other members of the community are exploring or in the process of doing so. Our vision is that CHoP will become a network of LHOPs across the city, with others joining in wherever they are, cell groups, families, churches, and organisations all taking spiritual responsibility for their 'patch' - the whole city becoming one House of Prayer.







LHOP Training Day

Anne de Leyser of Ffald-y-Brenin has kindly agreed to come on Saturday, 16th November, 10 am-4 pm, at St John's, Westwood, to share more about blessing prayers and how to establish and run LHOPs.


The purpose of this training day is to:


  • Introduce the vision and principles of Local Houses of Prayer

  • Develop confidence in running a Local Houses of Prayer (understanding

  • the practicalities and developing practical skills)

  • Explore together the ministry of blessing

  • Explore how to develop a Network of Local Houses of Prayer in your area

  • Be connected with others in your area


Hot/cold drinks will be provided but please bring a packed lunch.


The event is free but donations towards the cost will be welcome.


You can register for the day here.

eternal wall of answered prayer

We have supported the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer at Coleshill since we first heard about it, and have been formally partnered with this amazing, national project for several years now. 


There are over three thousand bricks allocated to Coventry, so they really need more answered prayers to be sent in.


You can share yours on their website.  There is a simple process to help you capture all the details.





















Photograph: Snug Architects/Renderloft


Every single one of the million bricks in Eternal Wall will represent a story of Jesus answering someone’s prayer, contributed by individuals from across the world.  A colossal piece of architectural sculpture, visible from nearly six miles away and seen on over 500,000 journeys a week, Eternal Wall will be the largest database of hope stories in the world.


uk houses of prayer network

Our commitment to and participation in the National HoP network, World Prayer Centre in Birmingham and wider national and international prayer networks are also being strengthened as several of our members undertake prayer assignments or involvement on our behalf or with our blessing. We continue to attend the annual UK HoP gathering etc. and we are hosting a gathering of UK, German and French intercessors in September.

hope coventry

HOPE Coventry exists to grow a connected church in Coventry that demonstrates the love of Jesus for the benefit of the city. It does this by supporting initiatives that connect the churches together and projects that meet the needs of the vulnerable.


You can read more about the variety of the projects that HOPE Coventry supports, from the Good Neighbours Coventry to Hope@Motofest by visiting the individual project pages, and you can contribute to these projects on their website


They also seek to connect the church in Coventry by publicising events and projects that happen in and around our city: see their fortnightly e-newsletter and their events page for more information, or contact them  to tell them about your event.

coventry house of prayer

©2021 by Coventry House of Prayer. Proudly created with

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